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Alert Messaging Server

The watchdog for high-availability environments!

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Alert Messaging Server

Alerting and Monitoring
The fully adaptable Alert System is made for administrators of High Availability Environments. Our Alert Messaging Server (AMS) notifies you whenever hackers are attacking the system or in case an error or incident occurs. AMS sends an E-mail, SMS, or a Voice Message to you or your engineers to alert you about irregularities. Work schedules and exactly defined Escalation Procedures can be integrated so the right person is contacted whenever something happens.

Download user manual: AMS

Features & Benefits

New Features

Core Features


Operating Mode

Alert Messaging Server is a fully adaptable Alerting System that works in combination with a Monitoring Solution. It sends systemic alerts via E-Mail, SMS and Voice Message. A Network-, System- or Application-Management-Environment is necessary in order for it to generally perform; for example, WhatsUpGold, Realtech, Microsoft, HD OpenView or NetiQ can be used.


AMS Architecture


Depending on your needs you will find the appropriate solution. Depending on project size and required function, individual modules are configured:


Attendance view

Attendance view

The attendance view shows who can be notified for which type of malfunction via which alerting channel.

Configuration Technician

Configuration Technician

Add persons to be alerted in the event of a malfunction.

Alert profile

Alert profile

An alert profile is used to define which alert channels (email, SMS, voice) are to be used when.

Alerting protocol

Alerting protocol

All alerts are recorded in detail in the alerting protocol (failure class, message, sender, recipient).

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